Tea with the Muse

An encouraging word through poetry, prayer, stories, inquiries, riffs and dares in spoken word.

I'm Shiloh Sophia. A bit of a misfit artist. I paint, I write stories and poetry. I challenge a lot of collective ideas and ideals and spend every morning having tea with my muse. I am also the curator for a museum and university centering on the lives, art and stories of women. I am one of the founders of a lineage called Intentional Creativity, and it is my joy to create and share from my heart in the arena of the healing arts.

What is shared here is an invitation to pause and listen. To tune into what matters. To enjoy the beauty in the ordinary. To slow down and pay attention to the small things. A moment of peace. Except when I am disruptive, then it isn’t as peaceful but it sparks us to new awareness.

I am here to amuse, encourage inspire, and at times, provoke.

Finding Your People

10 minutes

Whether you feel like you're my people or not, I'm letting you know that you matter. I spent my morning meditation inviting you to be with your people, to look for us, to see us, to be with us, and to let yourself be seen, to know that you matter…

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Making Friends with
Limiting Beliefs

14 minutes

Trying to make changes over and over and not being able to do it is a common human experience. As we grow older, we want more efficiency in making change and sometimes struggle to discover how to keep a shift in place, once we have made a decision.

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Evolution of Archetypes, the Archetype of Artificial Intelligence and an Invitation to think for yourself!

27 minutes

What if we don’t want to keep fitting into the pre-existing structures because we really QUESTION those energies and ideas and how humanity is being shaped by them? What if we need to REALLY be at cause for shifting into new archetypal energies?

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